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Online casino games on Twitch

Online casino players are not necessarily the target of Twitch, the American collaborative platform that allows you to watch people playing live video games, even though almost all casino games are represented there. If you have absolutely no idea what’s behind that hard-to-pronounce name, that’s okay. Twitch was born in 2011, created by Justin TV. It was the Millenials who made the success of this streaming channel. Its popularity grew in the world of video games, and it is a true social phenomenon that was bought in 2014 by Amazon for $98 million. Twitch offers to stream your video game games live. For some time now, we have been getting more and more feedback on the use of Twitch in the gambling world.

Twitch, the streaming giant of online games

The principle is simple. Players will put their different video game sessions – no matter which one – live on the platform. One may wonder about the interest in watching people playing video games. The main people involved will tell you, “What’s the point of watching guys chasing a ball? So be it. The idea is not to understand Millenials, but talking about the platform, we’re talking about over 12 million video views. E-sport is obviously king here – you can find all the international live video game competitions. The richness of this platform is the millions of videos of amateur players. The broadcasts are interactive. The spectators can communicate with the players using a chat room and discuss among themselves. Everything is live or replayed, but there is no editing on a platform like Youtube.

Twitch and online casino games

Twitch has long focused on the hits of games, from Call of Duty to Starcraft without forgetting Minecraft, the platform’s flagship game, we find a Twitch casino section for a few months. It is, therefore, possible to watch slot machine sessions – Twitch Slots, with channels in French, blackjack or roulette games. Of course, you need a minimum of action to get people interested in your game, but there are even fans of scratch cards or keno! But, of course, online poker is the real star in this category.

What is the interest of Twitch for online casino players?

The first interest is learning without risking your bankroll if you are just a spectator and don’t bet real money. Second, a player can compare different ways of playing. So there is an educational interest. You just need to find a good player and be able to explain how they play to maximize their winnings. Whether it’s blackjack or online roulette, you can compare other players’ different strategies, tricks, and techniques. For slots, Twitch allows you to understand and experience a slot machine in more depth than if you were testing that same slot in play money. For poker, the games become virtual schools where players will explain live the hands they play and the strategy they follow. It is also possible for a player who manages to have a quantitative audience to earn money on each broadcast. Twitch also forms a large community of players, with champions, columnists, eccentrics and a whole culture related to video games.